Olejów na Podolu - drzewa genealogiczne

Maria DzikAge: 1718661883

Maria Dzik
Given names
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: May 2, 1858Załoźce
2 years
elder sister
Anna Dzik
Birth: July 21, 1860 36 16Trościaniec Wielki
Death: October 19, 1860Trościaniec Wielki
3 years
elder brother
Jan Dzik
Birth: June 22, 1863 39 19Trościaniec Wielki
Death: May 11, 1883Trościaniec Wielki
4 years
Maria Dzik
Birth: about 1866 42 22Trościaniec Wielki
Death: April 19, 1883Trościaniec Wielki
4 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
Wojciech Dzik
Birth: April 8, 1872 48 28Trościaniec Wielki
Death: April 19, 1883Trościaniec Wielki

Birth about 1866 42 22
Birth of a brotherJózef Dzik
about 1869 (Age 3)
Birth of a brotherWojciech Dzik
April 8, 1872 (Age 6)
Death of a fatherSzymon Dzik
January 16, 1874 (Age 8)
Death of a brotherWojciech Dzik
April 19, 1883 (on the date of death)
Death April 19, 1883 (Age 17)