Stanisław MarczakAge: 3 months1925–1925
- Name
- Stanisław Marczak
- Given names
- Stanisław
- Surname
- Marczak
Family with parents |
father |
Franciszek Marczak Birth: January 18, 1876 37 38 — Olejów Death: |
mother |
Anna Juźwin Birth: July 25, 1890 32 30 — Olejów Death: |
elder sister |
Stanisława Marczak Birth: about 1918 41 27 Death: January 4, 1925 — Olejów |
6 years elder sister |
Joanna Marczak Birth: October 28, 1923 47 33 — Olejów Death: October 31, 1925 — Olejów |
19 months himself |
Stanisław Marczak Birth: May 17, 1925 49 34 — Olejów Death: August 25, 1925 — Olejów |
sister |
Private |
Father’s family with Zofia Maruszczak |
father |
Franciszek Marczak Birth: January 18, 1876 37 38 — Olejów Death: |
step-mother |
Zofia Maruszczak Birth: Death: before 1917 — Jackowce? |
Marriage: — |
Birth | May 17, 1925 49 34 |
Death | August 25, 1925 (Age 3 months) |