Maria PółtorakAge: 391843–1883
- Name
- Maria Półtorak
- Given names
- Maria
- Surname
- Półtorak
- Married name
- Maria Półtorak
Family with parents |
father |
Kacper Półtorak Birth: about 1817 32 17 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: between 1847 and 1849 |
mother |
Ewa Olender Birth: December 14, 1824 25 20 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: November 22, 1892 — Trościaniec Wielki |
Marriage: October 20, 1839 — Załoźce |
4 years herself |
Maria Półtorak Birth: August 16, 1843 26 18 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: between 1883 and 1885 — Trościaniec Wielki |
3 years younger brother |
Mother’s family with Mateusz Drozd |
step-father |
Mateusz Drozd Birth: 1822 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: |
mother |
Ewa Olender Birth: December 14, 1824 25 20 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: November 22, 1892 — Trościaniec Wielki |
Marriage: between 1847 and 1849 — Załoźce |
Family with Franciszek Półtorak |
husband |
Franciszek Półtorak Birth: 1838 39 33 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: 1892 — Trościaniec Wielki |
herself |
Maria Półtorak Birth: August 16, 1843 26 18 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: between 1883 and 1885 — Trościaniec Wielki |
Marriage: May 3, 1863 — Załoźce |
Franciszek Półtorak + Maria Dajczak |
husband |
Franciszek Półtorak Birth: 1838 39 33 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: 1892 — Trościaniec Wielki |
husband’s wife |
Maria Dajczak Birth: June 5, 1842 31 25 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: January 23, 1863 — Trościaniec Wielki |
Marriage: October 27, 1861 — Załoźce |
2 years step-daughter |
Franciszka Półtorak Birth: 1863 25 20 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: 1863 — Trościaniec Wielki |
Franciszek Półtorak + Maria Siemierzyńska |
husband |
Franciszek Półtorak Birth: 1838 39 33 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: 1892 — Trościaniec Wielki |
husband’s wife |
Maria Siemierzyńska Birth: about 1847 — Ratyszcze Death: before 1892 |
Marriage: before 1886 — Załoźce |
Birth | August 16, 1843 26 18 |
Birth of a brother | Jan Półtorak January 6, 1847 (Age 3) |
Marriage of a parent | Mateusz Drozd — Ewa Olender — View this family between 1847 and 1849 (Age 3) |
Death of a father | Kacper Półtorak between 1847 and 1849 (Age 3) |
Marriage | Franciszek Półtorak — View this family May 3, 1863 (Age 19) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Maciej Olender February 19, 1879 (Age 35) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Teresa Dajczak April 17, 1883 (Age 39) |
Death | between 1883 and 1885 (Age 39) |