Olejów na Podolu - drzewa genealogiczne

Ewa OlenderAge: 6718241892

Ewa Olender
Given names
Married name
Ewa Półtorak
Married name
Ewa Drozd
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: before 1824Załoźce
11 months
3 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
3 years
younger sister
19 months
younger brother
14 months
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
4 years
younger sister
6 years
younger brother
Michał Olender
Birth: September 22, 1849 50 45Trościaniec Wielki
Death: September 25, 1849Trościaniec Wielki
Family with Kacper Półtorak - View this family
Marriage: October 20, 1839Załoźce
4 years
3 years
Family with Mateusz Drozd - View this family
Marriage: between 1847 and 1849Załoźce

Birth December 14, 1824 25 20
Birth of a brotherMikołaj Olender
December 2, 1827 (Age 2)
Birth of a brotherTomasz Olender
December 19, 1830 (Age 6)
Birth of a sisterMaria Olender
June 13, 1833 (Age 8)
Birth of a brotherJan Olender
January 12, 1835 (Age 10)
Birth of a brotherJózef Olender
March 13, 1836 (Age 11)
Birth of a brotherKacper Olender
January 2, 1839 (Age 14)
MarriageKacper PółtorakView this family
October 20, 1839 (Age 14)
Birth of a sisterAnna Olender
June 3, 1843 (Age 18)
Birth of a daughter
Maria Półtorak
August 16, 1843 (Age 18)
Death of a paternal grandfatherTomasz Olender
before 1846 (Age 21)

Death of a paternal grandmotherAnna
May 4, 1846 (Age 21)
Death of a maternal grandmotherMaria Gdyra
before 1847 (Age 22)
MarriageMateusz DrozdView this family
between 1847 and 1849 (Age 22)
Birth of a son
Jan Półtorak
January 6, 1847 (Age 22)
Death of a maternal grandfatherWawrzyniec Dajczak
October 23, 1847 (Age 22)
Birth of a brotherMichał Olender
September 22, 1849 (Age 24)
Death of a husbandKacper Półtorak
between 1847 and 1849 (Age 22)

Death of a brotherMichał Olender
September 25, 1849 (Age 24)
Marriage of a childFranciszek PółtorakMaria PółtorakView this family
May 3, 1863 (Age 38)
Death of a sisterMaria Olender
April 10, 1864 (Age 39)
Marriage of a childJan PółtorakRozalia DajczakView this family
before 1871 (Age 46)
Marriage of a childJan PółtorakRozalia DajczakView this family
before 1871 (Age 46)

Marriage of a childJan PółtorakAnna PółtorakView this family
January 26, 1873 (Age 48)
Death of a brotherJózef Olender
December 19, 1878 (Age 54)
Death of a fatherMaciej Olender
February 19, 1879 (Age 54)
Death of a daughterMaria Półtorak
between 1883 and 1885 (Age 58)
Death of a motherTeresa Dajczak
April 17, 1883 (Age 58)
Death November 22, 1892 (Age 67)