Maria KorobijAge: 311887–1919
- Name
- Maria Korobij
- Given names
- Maria
- Surname
- Korobij
- Married name
- Maria Mazgajska
Family with parents |
father |
Filip Korobij Birth: December 7, 1860 51 34 — Bzowica Death: |
mother |
Katarzyna Strzała Birth: about 1866 43 43 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: |
Marriage: February 7, 1886 — Załoźce |
22 months herself |
Maria Korobij Birth: December 18, 1887 27 21 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: January 30, 1919 — Olejów |
20 years younger brother |
Antoni Korobij Birth: May 18, 1908 47 42 — Bzowica Death: 1981 — Mikulin |
Family with Jan Mazgajski |
husband |
Jan Mazgajski Birth: October 29, 1882 37 33 — Olejów Death: April 1, 1956 — Broniszewice |
herself |
Maria Korobij Birth: December 18, 1887 27 21 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: January 30, 1919 — Olejów |
Marriage: February 23, 1908 — Olejów |
14 months daughter |
Zofia Mazgajska Birth: May 2, 1909 26 21 — Olejów Death: |
2 years son |
Michał Mazgajski Birth: August 30, 1911 28 23 — Olejów Death: |
3 years daughter |
Katarzyna Mazgajska Birth: November 12, 1914 32 26 — Olejów Death: |
son |
Wladysław Mazgajski Birth: November 12, 1914 32 26 — Olejów Death: |
Jan Mazgajski + Zofia Kromp |
husband |
Jan Mazgajski Birth: October 29, 1882 37 33 — Olejów Death: April 1, 1956 — Broniszewice |
husband’s wife |
Zofia Kromp Birth: May 16, 1891 38 35 — Reniów Death: November 20, 1959 — Broniszewice |
Marriage: May 6, 1919 — Olejów |
10 months step-daughter |
Stefania Mazgajska Birth: February 26, 1920 37 28 — Olejów Death: 1997 — USA |
16 months step-son |
Paweł Mazgajski Birth: June 28, 1921 38 30 — Olejów Death: 1939 |
2 years step-daughter |
Genowefa Eugenia Mazgajska Birth: July 16, 1923 40 32 — Olejów Death: October 12, 1989 — Pleszew |
3 years step-daughter |
Helena Mazgajska Birth: August 7, 1926 43 35 — Olejów Death: 1944 — Niemcy |
step-daughter |
Maria Mazgajska Birth: August 7, 1926 43 35 — Olejów Death: December 28, 2004 — Broniszewice |
5 years step-son |
Franciszek Mazgajski Birth: January 22, 1931 48 39 — Olejów Death: February 14, 2012 — Broniszewice |
Birth | December 18, 1887 27 21 |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Błażej Strzała September 16, 1903 (Age 15) |
Marriage | Jan Mazgajski — View this family February 23, 1908 (Age 20) |
Birth of a brother | Antoni Korobij May 18, 1908 (Age 20) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Zofia Mazgajska May 2, 1909 (Age 21) |
Birth of a son #2 | Michał Mazgajski August 30, 1911 (Age 23) |
Birth of a daughter #3 | Katarzyna Mazgajska November 12, 1914 (Age 26) |
Birth of a son #4 | Wladysław Mazgajski November 12, 1914 (Age 26) |
Death | January 30, 1919 (Age 31) |