Rozalia MazgajskaAge: 491924–1973
- Name
- Rozalia Mazgajska
- Given names
- Rozalia
- Surname
- Mazgajska
Family with parents |
father |
Feliks Mazgajski Birth: May 14, 1887 42 37 — Olejów Death: 1957 — Moczydlnica Dworska |
mother |
Katarzyna Sikora Birth: May 14, 1889 27 25 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: 1930 |
Marriage: — |
elder sister |
Aniela Mazgajska Birth: 1918 30 28 — Olejów Death: 1919 |
2 years elder brother |
Władysław Mazgajski Birth: 1919 31 29 — Olejów Death: 1993 — Moczydlnica Dworska |
6 years herself |
Rozalia Mazgajska Birth: 1924 36 34 — Olejów Death: 1973 |
Birth | 1924 36 34 |
Death of a mother | Katarzyna Sikora 1930 (Age 6) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Jakub Sikora 1944 (Age 20) |
Death of a father | Feliks Mazgajski 1957 (Age 33) |
Death | 1973 (Age 49) |