Maria ZarwańskaAge: 501952–2002
- Name
- Maria Zarwańska
- Given names
- Maria
- Surname
- Zarwańska (Zarwański)
Family with parents |
father |
Jakub Zarwański Birth: 1911 39 — Olejów Death: 2000 — Stobno? |
mother |
Zofia Wielichowska Birth: 1921 26 17 — Olejów Death: 2007 — Stobno? |
elder brother |
Zbigniew Zarwański Birth: 1948 37 27 Death: 1978 |
5 years herself |
Maria Zarwańska Birth: 1952 41 31 Death: 2002 |
sister |
Private |
brother |
Private |
sister |
Private |
Birth | 1952 41 31 |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Katarzyna Drozdowska 2000 (Age 48) |
Death of a father | Jakub Zarwański 2000 (Age 48) |
Death | 2002 (Age 50) |