Olejów na Podolu - drzewa genealogiczne

bez imienia ŚwiadkiewiczAge: 0 days18871887

bez imienia Świadkiewicz
Given names
bez imienia
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: before 1867Załoźce
8 months
elder brother
3 years
elder sister
2 years
elder brother
3 years
elder brother
Jakub Świadkiewicz
Birth: July 16, 1875 31 28Trościaniec Wielki
Death: May 20, 1876Trościaniec Wielki
20 months
elder brother
Mateusz Świadkiewicz
Birth: March 6, 1877 33 30Trościaniec Wielki
Death: September 18, 1877Trościaniec Wielki
elder brother
Józef Świadkiewicz
Birth: March 6, 1877 33 30Trościaniec Wielki
Death: September 16, 1877Trościaniec Wielki
20 months
elder sister
Maria Świadkiewicz
Birth: October 26, 1878 34 31Trościaniec Wielki
Death: December 10, 1880Trościaniec Wielki
3 years
elder brother
6 years
bez imienia Świadkiewicz
Birth: February 8, 1887 42 40Trościaniec Wielki
Death: February 8, 1887Trościaniec Wielki

Birth February 8, 1887 42 40
Death of a motherKatarzyna Wojtyna
February 8, 1887 (on the date of death)
Death February 8, 1887