Olejów na Podolu - drzewa genealogiczne

Jan GrabasAge: 7618301906

Jan Grabas
Given names
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: February 4, 1827Jezierna
4 years
3 years
younger sister
3 years
younger sister
4 years
younger brother
2 years
younger sister
5 years
younger sister
7 years
younger brother
Family with Józefa Heltmann vel Hetman vel Hauptmann - View this family
Marriage: October 21, 1855Olejów
3 years
3 years
4 years
2 years
10 years
2 years

Birth about 1830 25 21
Birth of a sisterKarolina Grabas
about 1832 (Age 2)
Birth of a sisterKatarzyna Grabas
about 1834 (Age 4)
Birth of a brotherIgnacy Grabas
about 1837 (Age 7)
Birth of a sisterFilipina Grabas
about 1838 (Age 8)
Birth of a sisterAnastazja Grabas
about 1842 (Age 12)
Birth of a brotherSzymon Grabas
about 1848 (Age 18)
Death of a paternal grandmotherMaria Bednarz
before 1853 (Age 23)

Death of a paternal grandfatherTomasz Grabas
May 1, 1853 (Age 23)
MarriageJózefa Heltmann vel Hetman vel HauptmannView this family
October 21, 1855 (Age 25)
Birth of a daughter
Julianna Grabas
about 1858 (Age 28)
Birth of a son
Józef Grabas
February 8, 1861 (Age 31)
Birth of a daughter
Maria Grabas
August 20, 1864 (Age 34)
Birth of a son
Stanisław Grabas
about 1866 (Age 36)
Birth of a daughter
Michalina Grabas
January 20, 1876 (Age 46)
Marriage of a childMichał BerkaJulianna GrabasView this family
February 11, 1877 (Age 47)
Birth of a son
Julian Grabas
February 19, 1878 (Age 48)
Death of a sonJulian Grabas
March 1, 1878 (Age 48)
Death of a brotherIgnacy Grabas
June 21, 1882 (Age 52)
Death of a sisterFilipina Grabas
January 7, 1884 (Age 54)
Marriage of a childJózef GrabasJózefa MiszturView this family
before 1887 (Age 57)

Marriage of a childAndrzej WowkMaria GrabasView this family
August 29, 1888 (Age 58)
Marriage of a childStanisław GrabasAgnieszka ZdorowegaView this family
Type: Religious marriage
November 10, 1889 (Age 59)
Marriage of a childDymitr PałamarzMichalina GrabasView this family
June 3, 1895 (Age 65)
Death February 9, 1906 (Age 76)