Wincenty KrówkaAge: 561838–1894
- Name
- Wincenty Krówka
- Given names
- Wincenty
- Surname
- Krówka
Family with parents |
father |
Andrzej Krówka Birth: about 1812 38 37 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: December 2, 1877 — Trościaniec Wielki |
mother |
Helena Bilecka vel Bielecka Birth: between 1813 and 1814 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: June 26, 1863 — Trościaniec Wielki |
Marriage: November 10, 1833 — Załoźce |
4 years himself |
Wincenty Krówka Birth: January 20, 1838 26 25 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: October 7, 1894 — Trościaniec Wielki |
3 years younger sister |
Rozalia Krówka Birth: August 1, 1840 28 27 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: |
5 years younger brother |
Paweł Krówka Birth: July 4, 1845 33 32 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: before 1875 |
Family with Maria Półtorak |
himself |
Wincenty Krówka Birth: January 20, 1838 26 25 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: October 7, 1894 — Trościaniec Wielki |
wife |
Maria Półtorak Birth: February 11, 1850 36 24 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: |
Marriage: October 27, 1867 — Załoźce |
2 years son |
Mikołaj Krówka Birth: about 1869 30 18 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: |
Birth | January 20, 1838 26 25 |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Mateusz Krówka January 5, 1840 (Age 23 months) |
Birth of a sister | Rozalia Krówka August 1, 1840 (Age 2) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Katarzyna … April 17, 1845 (Age 7) |
Birth of a brother | Paweł Krówka July 4, 1845 (Age 7) |
Death of a mother | Helena Bilecka vel Bielecka June 26, 1863 (Age 25) |
Marriage | Maria Półtorak — View this family October 27, 1867 (Age 29) |
Birth of a son #1 | Mikołaj Krówka about 1869 (Age 30) |
Death of a brother | Paweł Krówka before 1875 (Age 36) |
Death of a father | Andrzej Krówka December 2, 1877 (Age 39) |
Marriage of a child | Mikołaj Krówka — Katarzyna Sąsiadek — View this family June 14, 1891 (Age 53) |
Death | October 7, 1894 (Age 56) |