Anna OlenderAge: 411844–1885
- Name
- Anna Olender
- Given names
- Anna
- Surname
- Olender
- Married name
- Anna Żmudź
Family with parents |
father |
Wojciech Olender Birth: about 1820 32 39 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: May 21, 1846 — Trościaniec Wielki |
mother |
Maria Dobisz Birth: between 1823 and 1824 Death: July 20, 1885 — Trościaniec Wielki |
Marriage: November 20, 1842 — Załoźce |
14 months herself |
Anna Olender Birth: January 15, 1844 24 21 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: August 6, 1885 — Białokiernica |
Mother’s family with Błażej Strzała |
step-father |
Błażej Strzała Birth: 1823 23 — Lutsza Death: September 16, 1903 — Bzowica |
mother |
Maria Dobisz Birth: between 1823 and 1824 Death: July 20, 1885 — Trościaniec Wielki |
Marriage: November 22, 1846 — Załoźce |
14 years half-sister |
Teresa Strzała Birth: December 9, 1860 37 37 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: |
6 years half-sister |
Katarzyna Strzała Birth: about 1866 43 43 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: |
Family with Michał Żmudź |
husband |
Michał Żmudź Birth: September 5, 1836 40 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: August 16, 1887 — Białokiernica |
herself |
Anna Olender Birth: January 15, 1844 24 21 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: August 6, 1885 — Białokiernica |
Marriage: October 27, 1861 — Załoźce |
3 years son |
Jan Żmudź Birth: August 25, 1864 27 20 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: May 17, 1917 — Białokiernica |
3 years daughter |
Zofia Żmudź Birth: August 30, 1867 30 23 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: September 4, 1867 — Trościaniec Wielki |
16 months daughter |
Zofia Żmudź Birth: about 1868 31 23 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: |
8 years daughter |
Katarzyna Żmudź Birth: about 1875 38 30 Death: January 21, 1885 — Białokiernica |
3 years son |
Józef Żmudź Birth: March 21, 1878 41 34 — Białokiernica Death: |
3 years son |
Wojciech Żmudź Birth: November 13, 1880 44 36 — Białokiernica Death: August 9, 1922 — Bzowica |
3 years daughter |
Maria Żmudź Birth: May 11, 1883 46 39 — Białokiernica Death: December 1, 1884 — Białokiernica |
Birth | January 15, 1844 24 21 |
Death of a father | Wojciech Olender May 21, 1846 (Age 2) |
Marriage of a parent | Błażej Strzała — Maria Dobisz — View this family November 22, 1846 (Age 2) |
Birth of a half-sister | Teresa Strzała December 9, 1860 (Age 16) |
Marriage | Michał Żmudź — View this family October 27, 1861 (Age 17) |
Birth of a son #1 | Jan Żmudź August 25, 1864 (Age 20) |
Birth of a half-sister | Katarzyna Strzała about 1866 (Age 21) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Zofia Żmudź August 30, 1867 (Age 23) |
Death of a daughter | Zofia Żmudź September 4, 1867 (Age 23) |
Birth of a daughter #3 | Zofia Żmudź about 1868 (Age 23) |
Birth of a daughter #4 | Katarzyna Żmudź about 1875 (Age 30) |
Birth of a son #5 | Józef Żmudź March 21, 1878 (Age 34) |
Birth of a son #6 | Wojciech Żmudź November 13, 1880 (Age 36) |
Birth of a daughter #7 | Maria Żmudź May 11, 1883 (Age 39) |
Death of a daughter | Maria Żmudź December 1, 1884 (Age 40) |
Death of a daughter | Katarzyna Żmudź January 21, 1885 (Age 41) |
Death of a mother | Maria Dobisz July 20, 1885 (Age 41) |
Death | August 6, 1885 (Age 41) |