Ignacy GrabasAge: 451837–1882
- Name
- Ignacy Grabas
- Given names
- Ignacy
- Surname
- Grabas
Family with parents |
father |
Maciej Grabas Birth: about 1805 49 — Hukałowce Death: |
mother |
Kunegunda vel Maria Kloc Birth: about 1809 Death: |
Marriage: February 4, 1827 — Jezierna |
4 years elder brother |
Jan Grabas Birth: about 1830 25 21 — Hukałowce Death: February 9, 1906 — Hukałowce |
3 years elder sister |
Karolina Grabas Birth: about 1832 27 23 — Hukałowce Death: |
3 years elder sister |
Katarzyna Grabas Birth: about 1834 29 25 — Hukałowce Death: |
4 years himself |
Ignacy Grabas Birth: about 1837 32 28 — Hukałowce Death: June 21, 1882 — Hukałowce |
2 years younger sister |
Filipina Grabas Birth: about 1838 33 29 — Hukałowce Death: January 7, 1884 — Hukałowce |
5 years younger sister |
Anastazja Grabas Birth: about 1842 37 33 — Hukałowce Death: March 28, 1923 — Hukałowce |
7 years younger brother |
Szymon Grabas Birth: about 1848 43 39 — Hukałowce Death: |
Family with Irena Wowk |
himself |
Ignacy Grabas Birth: about 1837 32 28 — Hukałowce Death: June 21, 1882 — Hukałowce |
wife |
Irena Wowk Birth: Death: |
Marriage: before 1881 — |
son |
Marcin Grabas Birth: Death: |
son |
Michał Grabas Birth: December 12, 1881 44 — Hukałowce Death: April 18, 1919 — Hukałowce |
Birth | about 1837 32 28 |
Birth of a son #1 | Marcin Grabas yes |
Birth of a sister | Filipina Grabas about 1838 (Age 12 months) |
Birth of a sister | Anastazja Grabas about 1842 (Age 5) |
Birth of a brother | Szymon Grabas about 1848 (Age 11) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Maria Bednarz before 1853 (Age 16) |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Tomasz Grabas May 1, 1853 (Age 16) |
Marriage | Irena Wowk — View this family before 1881 (Age 44) |
Birth of a son #2 | Michał Grabas December 12, 1881 (Age 44) |
Death | June 21, 1882 (Age 45) |