Grzegorz Kowal vel KowalówAge: 571798–1855
- Name
- Grzegorz Kowal vel Kowalów
- Given names
- Grzegorz
- Surname
- Kowal vel Kowalów
Family with Anastazja Hryńków vel Kołtowska |
himself |
Grzegorz Kowal vel Kowalów Birth: about 1798 Death: August 19, 1855 — Olejów |
wife |
Anastazja Hryńków vel Kołtowska Birth: Death: |
Marriage: — |
daughter |
Helena Kowal vel Kowalów Birth: about 1827 29 — Olejów Death: |
Birth | about 1798 |
Marriage | Anastazja Hryńków vel Kołtowska — View this family yes |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Helena Kowal vel Kowalów about 1827 (Age 29) |
Marriage of a child | Marcin Drozda — Helena Kowal vel Kowalów — View this family Type: Religious marriage October 27, 1844 (Age 46) |
Death | August 19, 1855 (Age 57) |