Stanisław GrabasAge: 2 months1854–1854
- Name
- Stanisław Grabas
- Given names
- Stanisław
- Surname
- Grabas
Family with parents |
father |
Tomasz Grabas Birth: about 1812 56 — Hukałowce Death: April 27, 1893 — Hukałowce |
mother |
Apolonia Juźwin vel Tomków Birth: Death: before 1893 |
Marriage: — |
elder sister |
Wiktoria Grabas Birth: between 1838 and 1840 26 — Hukałowce Death: April 17, 1905 — Hukałowce |
8 years elder brother |
Wojciech Grabas Birth: about 1845 33 — Hukałowce Death: October 25, 1853 — Hukałowce |
6 years elder sister |
Maria Grabas Birth: September 29, 1850 38 — Hukałowce Death: |
brother |
Michał Grabas Birth: Hukałowce Death: |
himself |
Stanisław Grabas Birth: May 14, 1854 42 — Hukałowce Death: August 7, 1854 — Hukałowce |
20 months younger sister |
Agnieszka Grabas Birth: January 14, 1856 44 — Hukałowce Death: January 6, 1859 — Hukałowce |
7 years younger sister |
Magdalena Grabas Birth: September 26, 1862 50 — Hukałowce Death: May 20, 1883 — Hukałowce |
Birth | May 14, 1854 42 |
Death | August 7, 1854 (Age 2 months) |