Rozalia GórskaAge: 691843–1912
- Name
- Rozalia Górska
- Given names
- Rozalia
- Surname
- Górska (Górski)
- Married name
- Rozalia Juźwin
Family with parents |
father |
Szczepan Górski Birth: about 1804 Death: April 22, 1859 — Hukałowce |
mother |
Teresa Krzywy Birth: about 1816 Death: October 3, 1861 — Hukałowce |
Marriage: before 1850 — |
-6 years herself |
Rozalia Górska Birth: about 1843 39 27 — Hukałowce Death: May 31, 1912 — Hukałowce |
7 years younger sister |
Apolonia Górska Birth: February 15, 1850 46 34 — Hukałowce Death: March 17, 1880 — Hukałowce |
3 years younger sister |
Balbina vulgo Elżbieta Górska Birth: February 12, 1853 49 37 — Hukałowce Death: April 18, 1935 — Hukałowce |
Family with Maciej Juźwin |
husband |
Maciej Juźwin Birth: between 1831 and 1834 30 25 — Hukałowce Death: October 13, 1891 — Hukałowce |
herself |
Rozalia Górska Birth: about 1843 39 27 — Hukałowce Death: May 31, 1912 — Hukałowce |
Marriage: June 29, 1884 — Olejów |
Maciej Juźwin + Filipina Grabas |
husband |
Maciej Juźwin Birth: between 1831 and 1834 30 25 — Hukałowce Death: October 13, 1891 — Hukałowce |
husband’s wife |
Filipina Grabas Birth: about 1838 33 29 — Hukałowce Death: January 7, 1884 — Hukałowce |
Marriage: October 27, 1861 — Olejów |
18 months step-son |
Jan Juźwin Birth: May 1, 1863 32 25 — Hukałowce Death: March 26, 1864 — Hukałowce |
20 months step-daughter |
Klara Juźwin Birth: about 1864 33 26 — Hukałowce Death: April 17, 1878 — Hukałowce |
19 months step-son |
Feliks Juźwin Birth: August 6, 1865 34 27 — Hukałowce Death: August 17, 1865 — Hukałowce |
step-son |
Tomasz Juźwin Birth: Hukałowce Death: |
step-son |
Mikołaj Juźwin Birth: Hukałowce Death: |
step-son |
Józef Juźwin Birth: about 1874 43 36 — Hukałowce Death: July 29, 1898 — Hukałowce |
3 years step-daughter |
Katarzyna Juźwin Birth: January 12, 1877 46 39 — Hukałowce Death: |
3 years step-son |
Jan Juźwin Birth: April 25, 1880 49 42 — Hukałowce Death: January 16, 1881 — Hukałowce |
22 months step-daughter |
Agata Juźwin Birth: March 9, 1882 51 44 — Hukałowce Death: |
Birth | about 1843 39 27 |
Marriage of parents | Szczepan Górski — Teresa Krzywy — View this family before 1850 (Age 7) |
Birth of a sister | Apolonia Górska February 15, 1850 (Age 7) |
Birth of a sister | Balbina vulgo Elżbieta Górska February 12, 1853 (Age 10) |
Death of a father | Szczepan Górski April 22, 1859 (Age 16) |
Death of a mother | Teresa Krzywy October 3, 1861 (Age 18) |
Death of a sister | Apolonia Górska March 17, 1880 (Age 37) |
Marriage | Maciej Juźwin — View this family June 29, 1884 (Age 41) |
Death of a husband | Maciej Juźwin October 13, 1891 (Age 48) |
Death | May 31, 1912 (Age 69) |