Michał HetmanAge: 12 months1900–1901
- Name
- Michał Hetman
- Given names
- Michał
- Surname
- Hetman
Family with parents |
mother |
Maria Heltmann vel Hetman Birth: between 1874 and 1876 38 36 — Hukałowce Death: December 10, 1919 — Hukałowce |
elder sister |
Katarzyna Heltman vel Hetman Birth: December 24, 1896 22 — Hukałowce Death: |
4 years himself |
Michał Hetman Birth: about 1900 26 Death: January 14, 1901 — Hukałowce |
2 years younger brother |
Antoni Hetman Birth: June 12, 1902 28 — Hukałowce Death: November 30, 1965 — Brójce |
3 years younger brother |
Wojciech Heltman vel Hetman Birth: January 3, 1905 31 — Hukałowce Death: |
Mother’s family with Piotr Jarosz |
step-father |
Piotr Jarosz Birth: about 1878 — Hukałowce Death: |
mother |
Maria Heltmann vel Hetman Birth: between 1874 and 1876 38 36 — Hukałowce Death: December 10, 1919 — Hukałowce |
Marriage: February 13, 1906 — Olejów |
11 months half-sister |
Zofia Jarosz Birth: December 31, 1906 28 32 — Hukałowce Death: |
Birth | about 1900 26 |
Death | January 14, 1901 (Age 12 months) |