Piotr HeltmanAge: 21907–1910
- Name
- Piotr Heltman
- Given names
- Piotr
- Surname
- Heltman
Family with parents |
father |
Józef Heltman Birth: June 15, 1872 36 34 — Hukałowce Death: |
mother |
Katarzyna Kosar Birth: January 12, 1867 21 — Hukałowce Death: |
Marriage: June 13, 1905 — Olejów |
9 months elder brother |
Józef Heltman Birth: March 19, 1906 33 39 — Hukałowce Death: April 3, 1906 — Hukałowce |
18 months himself |
Piotr Heltman Birth: September 8, 1907 35 40 — Hukałowce Death: April 5, 1910 — Hukałowce |
Father’s family with Teodozja Tkacz |
father |
Józef Heltman Birth: June 15, 1872 36 34 — Hukałowce Death: |
step-mother |
Teodozja Tkacz Birth: Death: before June 1905 |
Marriage: — |
Mother’s family with an unknown individual |
mother |
Katarzyna Kosar Birth: January 12, 1867 21 — Hukałowce Death: |
half-brother |
Michał Kosar Birth: October 1, 1885 18 — Hukałowce Death: |
Mother’s family with Andrzej Janiszewski |
step-father |
Andrzej Janiszewski Birth: about 1867 — Hukałowce Death: before June 1905 |
mother |
Katarzyna Kosar Birth: January 12, 1867 21 — Hukałowce Death: |
Marriage: February 8, 1891 — Olejów |
Birth | September 8, 1907 35 40 |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Tekla Skurska September 27, 1909 (Age 2) |
Death | April 5, 1910 (Age 2) |