Antoni RadomskiAge: 37 days1910–1910
- Name
- Antoni Radomski
- Given names
- Antoni
- Surname
- Radomski
Family with parents |
father |
Józef Radomski Birth: February 8, 1877 42 40 — Białokiernica Death: |
mother |
Katarzyna Kowal Birth: Death: about 1911 — Białokiernica |
Marriage: before 1903 — |
10 months elder brother |
Michał Radomski Birth: November 3, 1903 26 — Białokiernica Death: |
3 years elder brother |
Jan Radomski Birth: November 5, 1906 29 — Białokiernica Death: April 9, 1913 — Białokiernica |
4 years himself |
Antoni Radomski Birth: October 7, 1910 33 — Białokiernica Death: November 13, 1910 — Białokiernica |
Father’s family with Katarzyna Zarwańska |
father |
Józef Radomski Birth: February 8, 1877 42 40 — Białokiernica Death: |
step-mother |
Katarzyna Zarwańska Birth: August 19, 1891 40 28 — Białokiernica Death: |
half-sister |
Maria Radomska Birth: December 3, 1912 35 21 — Białokiernica Death: |
20 months half-brother |
Piotr Radomski Birth: August 11, 1914 37 22 — Białokiernica Death: |
7 years half-brother |
Jan Radomski Birth: April 1921 44 29 — Białokiernica Death: June 28, 1921 — Białokiernica |
14 months half-brother |
Karol Radomski Birth: May 23, 1922 45 30 — Białokiernica |
19 months half-sister |
Stefania Radomska Birth: December 19, 1923 46 32 — Białokiernica Death: October 6, 1924 — Białokiernica |
half-brother |
Private |
half-brother |
Franciszek Radomski Birth: May 29, 1935 58 43 — Białokiernica Death: |
Birth | October 7, 1910 33 |
Death | November 13, 1910 (Age 37 days) |