Maria BilAge: 851924–2009
- Name
- Maria Bil
- Given names
- Maria
- Surname
- Bil
- Married name
- Maria Juszkiewicz
Family with parents |
father |
Paweł Bil Birth: June 3, 1889 39 22 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: 1953 — Dąbrowa |
mother |
Maria Żmudź Birth: March 31, 1898 37 31 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: 1945 — Lwów |
Marriage: July 12, 1921 — Trościaniec Wielki |
18 months elder brother |
Maciej Bil Birth: 1922 32 23 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: 2005 — Dąbrowa |
3 years herself |
Maria Bil Birth: 1924 34 25 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: 2009 — Dąbrowa |
6 years younger brother |
Franciszek Bil Birth: 1929 39 30 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: 2010 — Gdańsk |
5 years younger sister |
Katarzyna Bil Birth: 1933 43 34 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: 1982 — Dąbrowa |
Birth | 1924 34 25 |
Birth of a brother | Franciszek Bil 1929 (Age 5) |
Birth of a sister | Katarzyna Bil 1933 (Age 9) |
Death of a mother | Maria Żmudź 1945 (Age 21) |
Death of a father | Paweł Bil 1953 (Age 29) |
Death of a sister | Katarzyna Bil 1982 (Age 58) |
Death of a brother | Maciej Bil 2005 (Age 81) |
Death | 2009 (Age 85) |