Aniela TrymbulakAge: 801908–1989
- Name
- Aniela Trymbulak
- Given names
- Aniela
- Surname
- Trymbulak
- Married name
- Aniela Sokołowska
Family with parents |
father |
Jan Trymbulak Birth: about 1871 34 28 — Białogłowy Death: |
mother |
Maria Dajczak Birth: March 7, 1873 30 25 — Trościaniec Wielki Death: |
Marriage: May 19, 1895 — Załoźce |
13 years herself |
Aniela Trymbulak Birth: September 25, 1908 37 35 — ? Death: April 3, 1989 — Hartford |
Family with Antoni Sokołowski |
husband |
Antoni Sokołowski Birth: October 20, 1902 43 — Olejów Death: April 6, 1940 — Rosja |
herself |
Aniela Trymbulak Birth: September 25, 1908 37 35 — ? Death: April 3, 1989 — Hartford |
Marriage: before 1932 — |
-2 years daughter |
Maria Antonina Sokołowski Birth: 1929 26 20 Death: November 16, 2012 — Hartford |
4 years daughter |
Antonina Wanda Sokołowska Birth: November 29, 1932 30 24 — Białokiernica Death: February 11, 1933 — Białokiernica |
2 years daughter |
Stanisława Janina Sokołowska Birth: January 23, 1935 32 26 — Białokiernica Death: |
Birth | September 25, 1908 37 35 |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Maria Antonina Sokołowski 1929 (Age 20) |
Marriage | Antoni Sokołowski — View this family before 1932 (Age 23) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Antonina Wanda Sokołowska November 29, 1932 (Age 24) |
Death of a daughter | Antonina Wanda Sokołowska February 11, 1933 (Age 24) |
Birth of a daughter #3 | Stanisława Janina Sokołowska January 23, 1935 (Age 26) |
Death of a husband | Antoni Sokołowski April 6, 1940 (Age 31) |
Death | April 3, 1989 (Age 80) |